Ms Pranita Rajkhowa

M. A., M. Phil
Joined Namrup College on 15 Jun, 2012
I am a person who believe in hard labour . I love teaching profession and try to give proper knowledge to my students. I join every programmes and activities organized by different cells, centre and unit of our college.
Research Interest:
Women, micro finance, higher education.
Specialized Courses:

Participation in seminar/Webinars

1.State level Seminar on‘Bigyanar Satya Aaru Sahityar Sarya’held on 28th Sept 2003 organized by Duliajan College.

2. UGC Sponsored national seminar on ‘Population explosion and development in India     with      special reference to N.E.Region. Organized by Doomdooma College, 27th August and 28th August 2010.

3. UGC Sponsored national seminar on ‘Current Trends of Biological Research in North East India: Challenges and Prospects’ organized by Namrup College 29th and 30th June 2016.

4. UGC Sponsored national seminar on ‘ Human Right : Ethics & Values In North East India’ organized by Namrup College 26th & 27th March 2015.

Research Book/ Peer Reviewed Research Journal,

1.Participation of Women in MGNREGA and its impact on Rural Development –A study in Nigam Gaon Panchayat , Namrup College ,Assam. 2013,ISBN-978-93-5104-434-5

 2. Women participation in MGNREGA : A study in Namrup GP of Joypur Block under Dibrugarh District ,Assam.ISBN:978-81-936466-56-6,2018-19

3. Screencast –O-Matic –An Important Teaching Tool for teachers , Innovation and Rejuvenation of Teaching in Higher Education ,editors –Nebedita         Phukan and Jayanta Sonowal ,ISBN :978-93-82283-63-8, March ,2019.

4.The Economic Important of Women Ethnic Costume – A Study of Bodo –Kachari Tribe in Assam ,ISBN No-978-81-942630-5-0,26th &27th April,        2019.

5. Weekly Women’s Market –A step towards Women Empowerment, A Study in Namrup and Borhat of Assam ,ISSN2278-4756,Vol.VIII,2020-21.


Faculty Development Programme