Ms Bitopi Sonowal

M. A., M. Phil
Joined Namrup College on 30 Nov, -0001
Research Interest:
Specialized Courses:


  1. "A study on positive impact of self Help Groups on Women Empoweement in Assam. ISBN-978-81-935219-3-9. Published on International Book of Multidisciplinary studies, Volume -II, Issue-I
  2. A study on innovative Teaching-Learning Methods in Higher Education. ISBN-978-93-82283-63-8
  3. Educational Unemployment and it's impact on socio-economic condition in Assam. ISSN 0973-3914


1.UGC Sponsored National Seminae on "Examination reforms and Evaluation in Semester system at undergraduate level. " iSBN-978-81-929944-4-4 Topic-Defects of semester system in reference to existing examination system of undergrasuate level.